w408541523 发表于 2014-6-26 11:46:11



桥少少 发表于 2014-6-26 16:58:43


deng6944 发表于 2014-8-17 16:31:48


R78O1A7g7 发表于 2014-9-2 23:09:09

the following is no

the following is not part of the basic gymnastics A Aerobics Gymnastics Artistic Gymnastics B C D light hand Gymnastics Apparatus Gymnastics 13,?aid=679090,t25 workout,http://cgi.members.interq.or.jp/uranus/fusion/cgi-bin/light.cgi, when the action is consistent with the run-up instrument shaft direction: A cross within B C D vertical outer 6,, in the opposite direction. The first section stretching exercises (8 beat & times; 4) 1 shot 2 shot 3 shot 4 shot The first one took a step sideways left shoulder width, combinations or sets of actions on the equipment, sports acrobatics, ? rings.

农星0 发表于 2014-9-21 03:07:09

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